Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines or hary kekasih is not only today rittE?

Yeah…valentine or hari kekasih is not only today…
Not only 1402…
Valentine is de they where every couple celebr8 it..
Sharing present…having dinner or anything else…
so ded it will leave a very sweet memories of dem..
feel being appreciated n love by lovers.
But itz actually…we can do it..
Not only ded time…anytime…
For me…
Valentines is not too important…(lgpown haram kn?)
Burfday is da most important..den anny..n raya…

As iza busy planning..making surprise to her bunny…
Finally…everything was done so great…
It was so sweet…
Some of hers bunny also help her…
Wat bout me??
Of coz…I do help her…support her…
But not for de card..
I want her to complete it all by her handmade only..
Not be help by the others…
There is nothing I describe bout dem..
Wat I know is..
Iza really3 her bunny…so do de bunny…
When I saw iza cried after she talk to da bunny
N say sumtink…
I feel like…
I already make a mistake…
But not to her of coz…
I do make a mistake to him………………….

I wanna do sumtink to him….
Juz to make him happy n remember me everytime…
Everytime I’m in love I’ll give dem sumtink ded I make it
By myself…
At least one…only a piece of paper only..

But for him..
I really can’t do anything rite now…
Last ded I did is to sufian…
Wut he did really hurt me..

I gave him a card..n the other present…
N wat he did was toooo bad for me…
He tore all the card n threw it in front of my house…
I juz realy can’t accept it…
Well..if u dun like n dun want ir anymore…
Juz threw it away..
But not in front of me…
Den I pick every piece of paper n all de present ded I gave to him..
N threw it back to his nest…
He’s so stupid when he keep doing da same thing again n again..
Bodoh la engkau….
Pasal hg laa….aku xbule wat kt laki len yg lebih444 layak trima suma tue dri aku…
Pasal hg laa….dia jd mangsa…………
Aku btol3 terasa dgn ampa…
Aku taw…tulisan aku xcntik…tp at least…..
Blajaq laa hargai org…klo rsa nk dhargai..
Bkn sufian ja…tp husin pown..
Aku lukis penat3
Sekoq tedybear ,hg bule buang merata..
Apa aku bg suuma hg lempaq dpan umh aku.
Ampa suma bongok….
Bongok laaa…
Aku dah xley nk wat pa3 skunk,,,,
N aku rasa bsalah sgt……….
Ampa suma nie xlyk pown dihargai…
Ntty klo jd kt dri sendiri..
Pandai3 la pk…

C bongok3
Tolong jgn gnggu aku lg…
Even nk tnya kabar…
Xpyh la k….
Aku bahagia dgn idup aku skunk…
N aku harap dia or sesiapa shj..
Xbongok mcm ampa…….


ariff dean said...

gi depan muka depa suma tuh, katalah...

advanc said...

kasehan mereka.. huhuhu

nasiha said...

la..kejamnye laki..
haiya..mana ada tulisan efy buruk!
tgh2 marah blh buat lawak plak die ni..adoi efy,efy..