Friday, November 14, 2008

Cannot wait the day I’ll be back to shah alam…

Its not coz of I dun miss my family…of coz laa…I miz them a lot…but wat can I feel is when I was at home??? Not happineesss???!!!! I reallly wanna live in a reallly peaceful wif them…but wat can I doooo???itz like there is all around me was demon?? That keep disturbing my family…moms!! Dad!!! Could u plz stop quarelling to each other…itz reallly mess me up…mama(my sis)??!!! Bleh Dak stop masam2 muka…bebai2..,lemas laaa aku….lemas sgt….bleh dak dlm satu aty tue kta idup aman ka…n masing2 tadak yg duk cri pasal…neyh nth papa lg….semak taw dakkkk….mluw kat owank…(efi….mak pnatlaaa..))) (ermmm.taw pn mak pnt,bla la keadaan family kta nk btol??,nth2 lpaz slh sorank dri kta mati kowt?) tiap2 ary da ja msalah….mak,ba cri pasal lg dgn cek….aduh….bla laaaa aku akn idup tenang ney….when my moms ok jer…my sis n my dad plak…heeeee….sumpah RIMAS!!!!!!!!!!! Dk masam muka,ckp bukan2222….lemas gla laaaaaa…………………………………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U know wat I juz act like I didn’t feel anything in front of them….but actually behind them I think a lot n too much….. juz smile n laugh….juz keep hiding in kept inside my heart..if one day everything is changing….how hapy n glad I am at that time….


HAZIQ1990 said...

hey...effi...jgn sedey sgt..mmng problems slalu dtg, tp aku taw..dlm hati ko..ko memang tabah..kuat..jgn tunjuk kt dorang yg ko lemah, jgn lpe ko bkn keseorangan, aku masih ada..kllu bukan kt sebelah ko, dlm hati ko..cheer up cherry...sinarkan pipi tembam ko tuh..huhhuhuh

Lord HaSrUL said...

dont worry... we're not just ur fren but ur 2nd family... talk wit us and we will listen...if that gonna make u feel better